Gonzalo Milá

Gonzalo Milà dissenyador de producte de Escofet

Gonzalo Milá was born in 1967 and studied architecture in Barcelona. He started working at the same time in the interior and industrial design studio of Miguel Milá (his father), and also collaborated with Luis Victory, with whom he already won the 2nd Castilla-La Mancha furniture award for their Arragón Espiga clothes stand. His experience with small objects, which allowed him to control tightly every step of the project, led him to study industrial design at Elisava.

Alexander Lotersztain

Alexander Lotersztain diseñador de producto de Escofet

Alexander Lotersztain was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1977, he graduated from Design at Griffith University QCA in 2000. He is director of Derlot Pty. Ltd., a multi-disciplinary studio focusing on   projects including product, furniture, branding, hotel design, interior design and art direction with clients both nationally and internationally.