National Design Prize

National Design Prize 1992 a Escofet 1886. Looking over the Escofet company's production covering more than a century. The awards ceremony for the National Design Prizes began at 5 p.m. on Thursday, December 10 in 1992. The company Escofet 1886 S.A., received the National Design Prize in recognition of its long creative tradition and its innovative capacity with special attention being drawn to its notable position in international markets.

Gold Delta Award ADI

Gold Delta 2001 for Lungo Mare by Enric Miralles & Benedetta Tagliabue. Ever since its establishment over a hundred years ago, Escofet has stood out for its constant willingness to innovate. Only thus can the appearance in this catalogue of an object such as the Lungo Mare bench be understood.

Gold Delta Award ADI

Gold Delta Award 2005 to Godot bench by los díez. Godot is a collection of prism-shaped concrete benches featuring a semicircular opening at one end to generate a tree-encircling compositions with an artificial base-pedestal.

Silver Delta Award ADI

Silver Delta Award 2007 to Naguisa by Toyo Ito. Naguisa is a modular serie of prefabricated concrete benches, suitable for installing in an urban environment or a large park, and wich can transform its space into a harmonious landscape. The central rib, wich is raised, is intended to be a sinuous backrest-armrest. The range allows for great liberty of use.

Urban Landscape Awards

Parc Central de Nou Barris receives the 2007 Urban Landscape Award for architecture, instituted by the Eurohypo, Topos, Architektur und Wohnen organizations. A project by Arriola & Fiol, arquitectes, in which Escofet has supplied the site furnishings. This award recognizes the redesign of urban spaces under criteria of sustainability and innovation. The project has been distinguished by creating an urban space and integrating it into a degraded area.

Cambra Award for Design Management

Escofet 1886, a Catalonian industrial company known for its strategic commitment to the design and innovation, has been awarded with the only Spanish prize that acknowledges the excellence in design management for its strategic implementation of design. The Cambra Design Management Prize, organised since 1999 by the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona and BCD, will be delivered on October 19 by Miquel Valls, president of both entities, during the Barcelona Design Week 2011. 

Public Prize Delta Awards ADI

Grasshopper has been awarded with Public Prize for Delta Awards 2014, the prestigious international prizes to industrial design organised by the ADI-FAD. The table and bench set Grasshopper was born associated with the concept of furniture that encourages and enhances the emotional interaction between users. It becomes new elements that enrich and humanize everyday events. Grasshopper takes UHPC-Slimconcrete® technology to the limit, since allows minimum thicknesses and excellent structural.

Sustainable space for environmental education

In the park of "Can Zam", Santa Coloma de Gramenet, the Environmental Classroom Isabel Muñoz has already been opened to the public. It is a new space aimed at raising awareness of environmental problems, which incorporates sustainability criteria, focusing on issues such as the materials used, the water cycle, lighting or climate control.