The project includes a set of strategies to improve this area of the Raval South neighbourhood, fostering an improvement in the appropriation and use of public space by residents.
The strategy is based on three vectors: First strengthen cross paths and permeability through urban acupuncture performances that reconnect the promenade with surrounding streets. Requalify the space favouring the increase of its use. And eventually involving neighbourhood leaders to generate new dynamics of activity.
Specifically, a centre area has been redefined on the Rambla del Raval that did not exist until now, connected to the adjacent Vázquez Montalbán plaza. With the aim of fostering the spirit of encounter that this "new center" requires, Botero's cat has been moved to its new location and three groups of the Escofet Comú modular bench has been installed. The project has kept the original Ful lighting columns installed in 1998 and the Montseny benches, which in turn have been reconfigured into new individual chairs.

Photography: Wenzel, Adrià Goula