Los espacios públicos del Courtillières (famoso gran conjunto de Emile Aillaud, construido a partir de los años 50 en Pantin, municipio limítrofe a París) se interpretan con el doble propósito de puntuación y de enlace. Nos ofrecen una nueva legibilidad de los equipamientos existentes y futuros, y a su vez relaciona las distintas zonas residenciales en torno al Serpentine, el paseo público central que discurre entre los edificios y enlaza los itinerarios más blandos.
The public spaces in Courtillières (a famous 1950's complex by Emile Aillaud in Pantin, outside Paris) are interpreted for the dual purpose of punctuating and linking. They give the present and future facilities in this area a new type of legibility. At the same time, they interconnect the various residential zones around the Serpentine, the central public promenade that runs between the buildings and links the soft routes.
La definición de dos tipos de mobiliario urbano identifica los espacios de menor escala; los bancos Etoile y los taburetes individuales Goutte singularizan cada lugar de acuerdo con la disposición, el número, el color azul o rosa, el tipo de suelo, el paisaje ... "
The choice of two types of street furniture identifies the smaller scale spaces: Etoile benches and individual Gouttes stools, which “...individualise each area on the basis of the layout, number, colour -blue or pink-, and the type of ground and landscape."
The Etoile bench is modular and multi-directional. This extroverted element can relate to the diverse range of situations in the surrounding area. It is inscribed in a triangular plan, expanding across the public space in a star configuration with multiple configurations, from single elements to clusters of benches. Goutte is a simple multipurpose concrete block. Individually it is a comfortable seat for one or two people, and when installed in groups, it can delimit spaces with different uses and exploit the interaction of one 'drop' with others.