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Aborigen by escofet
Aborigen by escofet

With a geometric drawing inspired by primitive art, the tiles extend forming an isotropic mesh of stars, dots, and circles, in which the joints disappear. With a Vibrazolux® finish, the variable tone of the integral aggregate of the Aborigen paver emerges on a higher plane, in contrast with the coloured cement.

Aborigen by escofet
Aborigen by escofet
Aborigen by escofet

Relief and texture are achieved with an elastomer mould bottom, while colour and tonality are achieved by the combination of aggregates, inorganic colourants, additives, and high strength white or grey cement. The tiles sit on a rigid concrete slab of 15 to 18 cm, designed for pedestrian use with ocasional vehicle traffic service, poured on a soil sub-base.


28,9 x 25 x 4,5 cm / 5,56 kg
Vibrazolit Concrete
Vibrazolux® smooth texture

GRM. Ash Grey

GRM. Ash Grey

RJC. Coral Red

RJC. Coral Red

OC. Ocre

OC. Ocre

MRH. Havana Brown

MRH. Havana Brown

BA. Sand beige

BA. Sand Beige

Products in the catalogue