The Crown plant box can be incorporated as a separate element into an urban setting or installed in a sequential layout, with no beginning or end. It is made up of five parts that form a circumference with an outer diameter of 340 cm and an inner diameter of 240 cm. The box has a capacity for 2,000 litres and a soil depth of 45 cm and is suitable for planting shrubs.
It was initially designed as a landscaping element of a public area in the interior of a block located in the Ensanche neighbourhood of Barcelona on a roof with a limited load-bearing capacity. The module interior was rendered more lightweight in order to reduce overload.
Designed initially for roofs with a limited load-bearing capacity, with a lightweight interior. The slightly rounded cross-section enhances the plant surface area, accommodating combined use as a garden area and as a backless bench with a remarkable character.
The Crown plant box is made of reinforced concrete with a etched water-repellent finish and is supplied in the standard chart colour. It is self-stabilising and can rest on the paving or arena with no need for fastening elements. The union of the modules to each other is ensured by the zigzag-like joint between them.