Bonnie is a concrete communal bench whose circular format, 150 cm diameter, and rounded edges are ideal for furnishing urban spaces with the warmth of interior spaces. Its neutral design creates order in public space, scoring and focusing visuals that delimit different areas.
This piece was created to respond to the tactical urban planning interests of timing and low cost, which incorporate the concept of a playable city, as one of their objectives, as well as encouraging sociability and the motor learning of children in a safe way.
The subtle widening of the upper cap prevents the accumulation of rain water. The inclination of the circular surround improves the ergonomics for its users. The three supports ensure that it is stable and allow the slings to be passed through for lifting during transportation and future relocation.
Molded concrete without reinforcement, etched finish and in colors from the standard Escofet chart. Attached by using two slings, installation is as simple as suspending it over a pavement, compacted sand or a grass lawn, with no need for anchoring.
Photography: Meritxell Casamira