Enric Pericas is both an architect that specializes in public area and landscape design and an industrial designer of urban furnishing and fittings. After graduating from the ETSAB Barcelona School of Architecture, he started working for the Barcelona City Council Division of Urban Projects in 1983. Enric Pericas then progressed into the role of Director of the Urban Furniture Department in 1991, a position from where he has been responsible for designing and cataloguing the myriad pieces of urban furniture that are scattered across Barcelona’s public spaces. In addition to this extensive design cataloguing, Pericas regenerated many of the iconic public areas of Barcelona and designed some of the most significant and prominent urban elements in the city.
Since 2001, he has combined his independent practice as an architect with the product and commercial direction of the Urban Furniture Division of Escofet. Enric was also the President of the ADI-FAD Spanish Association of Industrial Designers from 2004-2007.