25º is the name of a support element that allows the back to rest in a balanced, comfortable and healthy posture. Supporting the back relaxes the muscles on both sides of the spine, causing it to stretch, thus allowing more flexibility on the torso and improving its ability to twist.
It is an element designed by Antonio Bustamante and Marc Llagostera, the result of previous research in which students and tutors at Elisava analysed user experience of lumbar-dorsal supports in depth.
They are anthroposomatic supports of the human body that enable a more comfortable posture. Due to its structure, which causes the user to relax the muscles on both sides of the spine while supporting it, the support reorganises the tension of the para-vertebral musculature inducing a balanced posture and improving flexibility of the torso.
This shape of the support, starting from 25º at the top, adapts to the body through a variable inclination, as a result of tests carried out on people of different sizes and body types. Produced in 2 mm thick machined and welded sheet metal. Finishing paint in RAL chart colour. Anchored to a wall or other vertical support by screws.