Sillarga is a chaise-longue made from a single piece of concrete that responds with high efficiency to the problem of its use in environments severely affected by vandalism or adverse weather conditions. Sillarga cries out for company, and this is provided by Sicurta, also made from reinforced concrete, which shares the comfort and ergonomic features of Sillarga.
The first installation of the Sillargas and Sicurtas units on the Mar Bella jetty was a gift from Escofet to Barcelona, the city to which the firm is closely bound. The group of chairs, all of them facing south, has become one of the images that have made the city popular as a tourist resort.
Coinciding with the idea of individualising site furnishings, Sillarga and Sicurta fulfil the premises of making objects accessible to users.
The design proposes a new way to use and occupy urban space, replacing the rigid linear, traditional arrangements with more flexible alternatives that facilitate spontaneous, gregarious relations.
Concrete reinforced with stainless steel in an etched finish and in the Escofet standard chart colours. Easy to lift and handle with slings, both models are anchored to the paving without requiring any special foundations.