A Catalan architect whose career has focused on public spaces through urban planning and urban furniture design projects. This Catalan town planner, born in 1954, graduated in architecture at the University of Barcelona in 1988. He started his professional career in the ARR Architects Studio, where he specialized in public spaces.
In 1989, Jaume Artigues became a member of the Àrea de Projectes, Obres i Elements Urbans (Area of Projects, Works and Urban Elements) in Barcelona's city hall. Later on, he took part in other projects, such as «Promoció Ciutat Vella» or as «Promoció Nou Barris», in Barcelona. He has also collaborated with other architects, like Coque Bianco, Pedro Lorenzo or Rafael de Cáceres Zurita.
Together with ARR Architects, Jaume Artigues represented Barcelona at the Milan Triennale in 1995. In 1996, he won the FAD Architecture Award, in the outdoors category, with the rearrangement project of the Barceloneta district promenade by the sea, together with Olga Tarrasó, Jordi Henrich, Miquel Roig and Anna Mª Castañeda.
His career in furniture design and site furnishings, either on his own or in collaboration with other architects, has resulted in many products, such as: the Levit bench (1990); the Ciutat Vella gutter series (1990); the lights support Aplic Prat (1990); the Ramblas tree grids(1991); the Tram planters (1994); the pillar Marítim (1995);the lights Kanya (1995), and Salix (1997). He also designed the public lighting columns series Ful (1998), the special lighting Central (2000) and the sculpture projects from the artist Benet Rosell «L'ametlla com balla», «Llibre vertical» and «Tirant lo món amb mar de fons».