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Banca, jardinera, taburete, respaldo Band de acero de Escofet_lab
Banca, jardinera, taburete, respaldo Band de acero de Escofet_lab

The Band series constitutes a broad range of galvanised laminated steel products with a RAL colour chart painted finish, composed of a bench, a back accessory, a stool and three planters with different geometries and volumes. They can all be combined with the Boxland concrete collection. A connector element permits 45-degree aggregations. A table and bollard are included, which occasionally fulfils the function of a bicycle stand. The end result is a collection with simple lines that share the same support system and relationship with the paving.

Jardinera Band de acero de Escofet_lab
Jardinera Band de acero de Escofet_lab
Jardinera Band de acero de Escofet_lab
Jardinera Band de acero de Escofet_lab
Jardinera Band de acero de Escofet_lab
Jardinera Band de acero de Escofet_lab
Jardinera Band de acero de Escofet_lab
Jardinera Band de acero de Escofet_lab
Jardinera Band de acero de Escofet_lab

The Band series was created with the intention of a quest for what is essential and abstract to give it permanence. It owes its name to the fact that it was designed as a musical band in which the instruments create a harmony with each other.

Its design is formed by a strip of machined, folded and welded metal. The elementary nature of this series and its aggregation capacity allows it to blend in with its environment, giving rise to complex spatial relations. This property enables its use to be extended to historical areas where the textures and atmospheres generated by the superimposing of cultures and times do not accept the use of just any material or shape. 

All the components of the collection are made from 8 mm-thick machined, welded, galvanised sheet steel. With a RAL colour chart painted finish.

It can be installed resting on the paving and anchored with M-8 x 70 mm threaded bolts screwed into 12 mm openings previously created on the paving and filled with epoxy resin or fat mortar. The bollard is recessed in the paving by means of an 80-mm diameter metal tube welded at the base.


Band Conector
61 x 53 x 45 cm / 45 kg
Band Taburete
50 x 50 x 45 cm / 50 kg
Band Banca
200 x 50 x 45 cm / 102 kg
Band Mesa
150 x 65 x 75 cm / 136 kg
Band Planter Rectangular
200 x 50 x 45 cm / 192 kg / 380 L
Band Planter Cuadrada
100 x 100 x 45 cm / 175 kg / 380 L
Band Planter Circular
Ø 80 x 64 cm / 120 kg / 280 kg
Band Limit
14 x 10 x 100 (125) cm / 17 kg
Zinc-plated steel Textured Silver coated
Zinc-plated steel coated in Corten effect
Zinc-plated steel optional RAL coated

Forge Black

Forge Black

Textured Silver

Textured Silver

Corten effect

Corten effect

Traffic Yellow RAL 1023

Traffic Yellow RAL 1023

Bright Red Orange RAL 2008

Bright Red Orange RAL 2008

Wine Red RAL 3005

Wine Red RAL 3005

Light Green RAL 6027

Light Green RAL 6027

Cobalt Blue RAL 5013

Cobalt Blue RAL 5013

Reseda Green RAL 6011

Reseda Green RAL 6011

Optional RAL

Optional RAL

Products in the catalogue