Andreu Arriola and Carmen Fiol both were born in Barcelona in 1956. They graduated in architecture at the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB) in 1981 and received their Masters in Architecture from Columbia University in New York (1985-86). From 1981-1988 they were leading architects in the Urban Design Department of the City of Barcelona whose public spaces development between 1981-1987 awarded the Harvard University Prince of Wales Prize 1990. From 1989 to 1993, Andreu Arriola was departmental head at the Institute of Urban Development and Olympic Games Barcelona ´92. In 1987, Arriola & Fiol arquitectes was founded. Either, Andreu Arriola and Carmen Fiol are professors at ETSAB. Andreu Arriola has been working as professor of the Department of Architecture of ETSAB, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) since 1994. Since 2003, Carmen Fiol has been visiting professor at Scuola di Architettura, Università di Cagliari. In 2007 she received the Doctor Europeus title at UPC.
Arriola & Fiol arquitectes won prizes in international and national competitions such as: Waterfront S. Girolamo, Bari 2009; Kultorvet i Hauser Plads, Copenhagen 2008; Parque del Agua Expo Saragossa 2008; EXPO 2000 Hannover; Thames Barrier Park, London 1995; 1. Preis ex aequo Parc de la Villette, Paris 1982. Among their most considerable awards are to be mentioned: International Urban Landscape Award, Frankfurt 2007; Finalist Mies van der Rohe Award 2005; Premio Architécti, Centro Cultural de Bélem, Lisbon 1994; Finalist of the FAD awards 2009, 1998, 1989, 1987, 1985, Barcelona; Prince of Wales Prize in Urban Design, Harvard University 1990. The following selection includes urban architetcture and open space planning as well as interior design projects: Museu de la Música de Catalunya, Barcelona 2009; Ordenación Illa Hermanitas, including 60 youth dwellings, Barcelona 2008; Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, Barcelona 2007; Parc Central de Nou Barris, Barcelona 2006; Torre Urrutia, 98 youth dwellings, Barcelona 2005; Fire department, Montblanc 2005; Conservatory of Music of Catalunya, Barcelona 2004; Plaça Virrei Amat, Barcelona 1999; Roman Baths Museum, Sant Boi de Llobregat 1998; Plaça d'Islàndia, Barcelona 1995; El Mercadal: historical centre of Girona, 1994; Plaça de Les Glòries, Barcelona 1992; Parc de l'Estació del Nord, Barcelona 1991; Fossar de les Moreres, square and memorial, Barcelona 1989; Parc del Molinet, Santa Coloma de Gramenet 1987.