The "Superblocks" phenomenon: Filling the streets with life

Humanising urban space through the implementation of superblocks in Barcelona addresses the challenge of filling streets with life and making the city healthier and more habitable.
The program “Let’s fill the streets with life. The implementation of the Superblock Model in Barcelona” is a city project targeted at improving the lives of citizens based on the definition of a unit that enables the existence of new functionalities in public space. Download the document "The Superblocks phenomenon" to discover how this model organizes the city.
The more tactical and strategic activities were at the intersection of Comte Borrell and Parlament, which was recovered in the form of a new square for use by citizens, in which Escofet cooperated by installing urban site furnishings made from cast concrete, such as the Cargol circular backless bench, a design by the architects Arriola-Fiol, several Prat chess tables and stools designed by the architect Mercè Llopis, and the Bollard spheres which have the dual function of limiting and creating a space where children can play.