
The new interior design concept of Scalpers

Prat en tienda Scalpers
Photography: Fernando Alda

The new interior design concept recently launched in the Scalpers stores incorporates window displays integrated into the shopping space that invite us to flow and pass through the different areas of the store.

Scalpers is a Spanish fashion brand founded in in Seville in 2007. With around 200 stores worldwide, this fast-growing brand blends classic and contemporary elements to create unique clothing and accessories for women, men, and children.

Scapers’ distinctive store design feature some of Escofet’s best sellers, such as Prat and Prat Mini, in concrete, and Twig Air and Starfish, in rotomoulded HDPE – all featuring calming earthly tones and muted pastel colours that seamlessly fit into Scalpers brand and design values.

Escofet’s strategic association with Scalpers is proof of our urban elements’ usability for retail spaces and of concrete suitability’s for indoor use.

Prat y Prat Mini
TIenda Scalpers
Starfish combinadas en gris sedoso y blanco retroiluminado
Twig Air blanco retroiluminado