Reconfiguring school environments

Open spaces in schools are essential for socialisation, creative stimulation and children’s learning. It is essential that they be safe and healthy places, with heterogeneous living and playing spaces, and with the presence of trees and vegetation. Playgrounds and other common areas such as school entrances are places where pupils learn to interact, share and respect the habitat.
Escofet has collaborated with the Pez Arquitectos studio in a pilot project to promote these conditions and draw conclusions on the improvements that this entails, in order to furnish school playgrounds in Madrid’s educational centres.
The installation of various elements of the Air Collection promotes different clusters in the space that stimulate the movement and imagination of the pupils. In short, by adding our furniture, we not only fit out the space, but we also plant a first seed that "sows a place" and that, through its use, the students end up inhabiting them, living them and feeling them as their own environments.