The future of public spaces

We are organising, together with Grupo Vía, the first edition of the "Future of Public Spaces" event to address the transformation that these types of urban projects are undergoing for citizens.
After all that we have experienced, there is U-turn from the commitment to more peaceful, humanised, renaturalised and sustainable cities. The conference will bring together different experts from the private and public design fields to share the latest work on innovative public spaces in which the citizen is at the centre of the project, with spaces treated with sustainable draining pavements to reduce the water footprint, with furniture and play areas that encourage intensive use, with the introduction of recycled and recyclable materials for circular construction. This forum will end with a debate to analyse the key issues, trends, challenges and opportunities in tackling these necessary projects to improve public spaces in our cities.
The public sector participants from Madrid City Council will be José Luis Infanzón, Marisol Mena and José Luis Sanz Guerrero-Strachan. They will be accompanied by Alberto Samper from Ciudad Real City Council and Mercè Llopis from Barcelona City Council. Mark Fenwick of Fenwick Iribarren Architects will be present from the private sector.
The event will take place in Madrid on 6th October from 9:00 am. Please register to attend by clicking on the following link: