Lille Sud

Atelier Empreinte architectes associés
Lille, France
Lille Sud, Atelier Empreinte architectes associés

Lille’s southern suburbs, long isolated from the city centre by the ring road, have not changed since they emerged in the 1970s.

Lille Sud, Atelier Empreinte architectes associés
Lille Sud, Atelier Empreinte architectes associés
Lille Sud, Atelier Empreinte architectes associés
Lille Sud, Atelier Empreinte architectes associés
Lille Sud, Atelier Empreinte architectes associés
Lille Sud, Atelier Empreinte architectes associés
Lille Sud, Atelier Empreinte architectes associés
Lille Sud, Atelier Empreinte architectes associés
Lille Sud, Atelier Empreinte architectes associés

Under the leadership of Anru, we worked on all the outdoor spaces of the 5,000 unit residential complex, primarily apartment blocks on a 10 ha site. This project includes the rezoning of the main urban thoroughfares, new district access points, the construction of public gardens and the conversion of public spaces on and around the Mineral Boulevard. The property owners, three municipal councils and a social landlord, facilitated the highly consistent definition of the overall plan. The most attractive part of the project, in modular concrete material, is perfectly suited to the purpose: pedestrian pavements and entrances to the housing.


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