Roc is an urban litter bin made from a single material using UHPC-Slimconcrete technology and is appropriate for areas with heavy traffic and intensive sue due to its ease of handling and large 70-litre capacity. The litter bin is characterised by its rounded geometry and the grooved texture of its shell, which give it an austere, elegant and atemporal appearance.
Due to its single-piece design and high resistance as compared to conventional sheet metal bins, it is similar to the concept of an urban rock. The plastic bag is secured by an articulated stainless steel ring that is easy to operate. It has a hinged lid with an opening limited to a diameter of 18 cm to prevent the entry of objects with incompatible dimensions.
UHPC Slimconcrete single-material body. Stainless steel bag securing ring and articulated stainless steel lid with a sandblasted finish. Concealed installation by means of three threaded bolts with a rustproof protective finish in holes previously drilled in the paving and filled with epoxy resin or rich mortar.