Emilio Tuñón, 2022 National Architecture Prize

Our author Emilio Tuñón has won the 2022 National Architecture Prize awarded by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. We’ve worked with him on the design of two landscape elements and the construction of one of his buildings.
In 2008, together with his partner Luis Moreno García-Mansilla, he designed the Flor landscape element. The optimistic design of the biomorphic and radial communal seating allows for flexible use for couples or individually, thus preserving the users’ privacy. It was first installed in the courtyard leading to the Community of Madrid Documentation Centre (2003), the former El Águila brewery, a Mansilla + Tuñón studio project which integrates the Library and the Regional Archive into several architectonic volumes. With Flor they create a meeting place for the users of the different institutions that make up the ensemble.
In the same year, Escofet worked on the design and production of the concrete façade panels for the construction of the Energy Dome in the Environment City in Soria, the construction of which restarted this year after five years of uncertainty.
Finally, in 2013, the Starfish was designed at Escofet’s express request. A successful upgrade of the Flor bench made of roto-moulded polyethylene. Adapting to the constraints of the new material, it takes on the same function as its predecessor, one of the most successful benches in our Air Collection due to its lightness.